The third film in the "Kurama Tengu" series starring Azuma Chiyonosuke, based on the original work by Osaragi Jiro. The staff remains the same as in the previous film, "Kurama Tengu Kakubei Shishi" (1951), and the cast is the same, including the lead actors Azuma Chiyonosuke, Hiyoshi Toshiyasu, and Chihara Shinobu.
Released: May 12, 1957
Runtime: 64 minutes
Stars: Chiyonosuke Azuma, Toshiyasu Hiyoshi, Yoshio Yoshida, Kensaku Hara
Crew: Taichiro Kosugi (Music), Toshikazu Kono (Director), Jiro Osaragi (Novel), Shinji Kessoku (Screenplay)