Humorous adventures and dangerous escapades of young Mike Adams and his mischievous friends. Together, they learn when character counts. This delightful, Tom Sawyer-like story presents the adventures of Mike Adams and his mischievous friends. Their efforts to keep the neighborhood tomboy out of their secret “boys only” club lead to a series of humurous and harrowing escapades. Heartwarming entertainment that will bring back memories for parents as they watch it with their children, HAPPINESS IS…illustrates that faith, truthfulness and honesty are possible in today’s world.
Released: May 01, 1975
Runtime: 68 minutes
Stars: Diane Bertouille, Brent Campbell, Eddie Moran, Carlton Smith, Madalyn Bertouille, Roger Frazier
Crew: Russ Doughten (Director), Joanne Talarico (Screenplay)