Based on Kenneth Grahame's classic children's yarn, this charming animated tale follows four colorful talking critters: the blithe Mr. Toad, the sensible Mole, the urbane Rat and the cranky but insightful Badger. When Mr. Toad's passion for cars lands him in dutch, it's up to his three woodland cohorts to bail him out and restore his reputation by outfoxing a horde of underhanded weasels.
Released: Dec 12, 1988
Runtime: 50 minutes
Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Science Fiction, Family, Animation
Stars: Caz Adams, John Derum, Wallas Eaton, Graham Matters, Paul Johnstone
Crew: Leonard Lee (Writer), Kenneth Grahame (Novel), Joy Craste (Production Coordinator), Warwick Gilbert (Animation Director), Mark Isaacs (Music), Peter Jennings (Editor)