A teenage drama film about Makiko Hayashi, a top student who is aiming to get into University of Tokyo, together with a group of other students. She befriends one of the school's misfits, Yoshiyuki Mizuno, which starts to change her life. The film follows the way Makiko Hayashi's life changes throughout the time, from a model student with high ambitions, to someone who is uncertain enough about her future, that she feels the only way out is to start anew.
Released: Nov 14, 1970
Runtime: 82 minutes
Stars: Keiko Torii, Makoto Akatsuka, Yôko Fuji, Naoki Tachibana, Yoshirō Uchida, Rumi Koyama
Crew: Naozumi Yamamoto (Music), Hiromichi Horikawa (Director)