David Blair directs this powerful British Drama, loosely inspired by John Steinbeck's novel 'Of Mice and Men'. Set in Nottingham, the film revolves around the relationship between the thuggish Danny (Stephen Graham) and Joseph (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje), a giant of a man with a mental age of seven. When Danny finds himself in debt to a local crime boss, he feels he is left with no choice but to manipulate Joseph into participating in a series of underground cage fights from which Danny can pay his debts.
Released: Feb 03, 2012
Runtime: 108 minutes
Genre: Thriller, Drama, Action
Stars: Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Stephen Graham, David O'Hara, Lee Ingleby, Maxine Peake, Emma Stansfield
Crew: David Blair (Director), Chris Green (Screenplay), Jeremy Sheldon (Writer), Lee Brazier (Executive Producer), Mark Foligno (Executive Producer), Wayne Marc Godfrey (Executive Producer)