A Golden Age drama depicting the exploits of passionate patriot Uotaro Toge in the midst of a mysterious standoff over the Secret Book of Aoi, which will determine the rise or fall of the 350,000-koku Mito clan, and showcasing swashbuckling swordsmanship.
Released: Mar 25, 1958
Runtime: 94 minutes
Genre: Drama, Thriller, History
Stars: Utaemon Ichikawa, Sentarō Fushimi, Satomi Oka, Shin Tokudaiji, Michiyo Aratama, Kogiku Hanayagi
Crew: Shigehiro Ozawa (Director), Shinji Kessoku (Screenplay), Kikuo Tsunoda (Novel), Takeo Itō (Cinematography), Eiichi Yamada (Music)