The Suspect List is a riveting corporate thriller delving deep into the clandestine world of a prestigious company. The narrative unfolds as the CEO, Vineeth takes charge to unravel the mystery behind alleged misconduct implicating seven senior officials from different departments. As the plot thickens, Vineeth emerges as an unwavering force determined to expose the culprit and decipher their motivations. Through a relentless pursuit of truth, he leads an investigation that peels back the layers of corporate dynamics, revealing a web of relationships, power plays, and hidden agendas.
Released: Feb 19, 2024
Runtime: 107 minutes
Genre: Thriller
Stars: Vineeth Kumar, Binu Dev, Vivek Viswasm, Adhil Shajahan
Crew: Irfan Kamal (Director), Irfan Kamal (Writer), Ajiesh Anto Ollukaran (Music), Manunath Palliyadiyil (Cinematography), Sunesh Sebastian (Editor)