Mimamen is a short documentary following five individuals clad in jumpsuits and one woman wielding a machete as they embark on an expedition into Malaysia's inaugural theme park, Mimaland. Abandoned since 1994, their mission is to uncover remnants of the park. Alongside their exploration, they engage with locals, seeking their perspectives on the theme park.
Released: Feb 29, 2024
Runtime: 17 minutes
Genre: Documentary
Stars: Mohammed Adam Khalil, Eashveraam Thiruselvam, Mohamad Amirul Danish, Darwish Syahmi, Alan Kong, Lia
Crew: Eashveraam Thiruselvam (Producer), Alan Kong (Cinematography), Mohamad Amirul Danish (Assistant Camera), Darwish Syahmi (Sound Recordist), Darwish Syahmi (Editor), Mohammed Adam Khalil (Director)