In his hilarious and razor-sharp debut full-length comedy special, Hyperbolic, Matthew Broussard masterfully navigates a maze of topics, blending clever penmanship with unapologetic introspection. From his unique upbringing as a Southern Jewish Cajun to navigating life in New York City, Matthew shares side-splitting anecdotes about cultural quirks, family dynamics, and the absurdities of modern relationships. With mathematical precision and laser wit, he tackles everything from the nuances of anti-Semitism to the emasculation of dating a professional athlete. Whether dissecting the inefficiency of French phonetics, the upsides of maternal mental illness, or pharmaceutical origin stories, Broussard delivers a performance both intellectually engaging and snort-inducingly funny.
Released: Jan 01, 1970
Runtime: 48 minutes
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Matthew Broussard
Crew: Matthew Broussard (Writer), Jason Katz (Director), James Webb (Director), Matthew Broussard (Executive Producer), Laura Sogar (Executive Producer), Jason Katz (Executive Producer)