Ogawa Kinichi is being hunted by the yakuza of Kameyama Kogyo, and is also noticed by Kanto Masashi, a reckless university student. He takes refuge in an automobile factory where Sasai, a legendary Koshikan alumnus, works, but the students of Kameyama Kogyo start hunting Koshikan. In addition, the detective from the juvenile section, Okochi, also begins to make his move...
Released: Nov 04, 2016
Runtime: 74 minutes
Genre: Action
Stars: Natsuko Nagaike, Kazuma Yamane, Masahiko Tsugawa, Tomohiro Waki, Shin Takuma
Crew: 霧分昇 (Screenplay), Masatsugu Takase (Director), 木村金男 (Original Story)