On Christmas Eve, Marie receives an enchanted toy as a gift from her uncle Albert. At night, it comes to life and engages in an unequal battle with the mouse army and their formidable king. Staged by Yuri Grigorovich for the Bolshoi Theatre in 1977.
Released: Jan 01, 1978
Runtime: 107 minutes
Stars: Ekaterina Maksimova, Vladimir Levashyov, Sergey Radchenko, Elena Vatulya, Vladimir Vasiliev, Olga Dobrokhotova
Crew: Elena Macheret (Director), E. T. A. Hoffmann (Author), Pyotr Tchaikovsky (Original Music Composer), Yuri Grigorovich (Choreographer), Evgeniy Talyzin (Camera Operator), Simon Virsaladze (Production Design)