Set in 1969, Abel Shaddick, a crotchety deli owner, has a grudge against virtually everyone in his upstate New York town of Fairview, particularly against his slacker nephew Stanley who lives behind the shop. Without telling his uncle, Stanley agrees to put up a needy city kid for the summer as part of a charity program run by rich debutante Gloria. Abel immediately vetoes the plan, but it is too late. The kid, young Herman Washington, is already on his way...
Released: Jan 18, 2000
Runtime: 94 minutes
Stars: Peter Falk, Andrew McCarthy, Nastassja Kinski, Ruby Dee, Aaron Meeks, Gillian Barber
Crew: Robert Wise (Director), Rod Serling (Screenplay), Sid Kozak (Casting), Penny Ellars (Casting), Cynthia Millar (Original Music Composer), Elmer Bernstein (Music Producer)