University student Keisuke returns to his hometown during his summer holiday and takes a part-time job at a run-down movie theater. However, his boss Ruka, a projectionist who lives on the premises, has not set foot outside in three years, and always falls into a deep depression on Mondays. Keisuke feels himself becoming attracted to the mysterious Ruka, but...
Released: Jun 09, 2012
Runtime: 112 minutes
Genre: Romance
Stars: Azusa Mine, Takahiro Nishijima, Kengo Kora, Jun Inoue, Yurie Midori, Sanae Miyata
Crew: Shogo Ueno (Director of Photography), Takashi Hirajo (Producer), Wataru Takano (Producer), Yoshinobu Kamo (Writer), Atsushi Sugai (Producer), Masaaki Taniguchi (Director)