From the lower St. Lawrence, a picture of whale hunting that looks more like a round-up, with a corral, whale-boys and all. In 1534, when he stopped at the island he named l'Île-aux-Coudres, Jacques Cartier saw how the Indians captured the little white beluga whales by setting a fence of saplings into off-shore mud. In the film, the islanders show that the old method still works, thanks to the trusting 'sea-pigs,' the same old tide, and a little magic.
Released: Jan 01, 1968
Runtime: 15 minutes
Genre: Documentary
Stars: Alexis Tremblay, Louis Harvey, Léopold Tremblay
Crew: Michel Brault (Director), Bernard Gosselin (Director), Pierre Perrault (Director), Claude Pelletier (Sound), Jacques Bobet (Producer), Guy L. Coté (Producer)