With an off-beat sense of humor to match its erratic central character, this original comedy-drama features Jean-Philippe Ecoffey as Yves, a young man who works as a cop at night. The catch is that Yves turns to petty crime during the day, partly to impress Aurore (Aurelle Doazan), a nurse he idolizes from afar. His criminal hobby seems hard to understand, since it's doubtful that they will really get him anywhere with Aurore; besides, she already has a boyfriend. Nevertheless, Yves starts out by robbing a post office and ends up trying to run over Aurore's boyfriend, an act which finally gets him into serious trouble.
Released: Apr 16, 1986
Runtime: 104 minutes
Stars: Jean-Philippe Écoffey, Aurelle Doazan, Nicolas Silberg, Vincent Perez, Olivier Perrier, Jean-Claude Frissung
Crew: Thierry Arbogast (Director of Photography), Claude-Éric Poiroux (Producer), Claire Simon (Editor), Laurence Brenguier (Production Design), Vasco Pimentel (Sound), Jonathan Liebling (Foley Artist)