A group of prisoners attempts to break the Abashiri prison. This film can be considered a sequel to the Abashiri Bangaichi series, written and directed by Ishii Teruo. The friendship between two men on death row, a fleeting love affair with a traveling dancer and a deadly battle with the real culprit who has hunted him down filmed over a long period of time on location in Hokkaido.
Released: Apr 05, 1975
Runtime: 91 minutes
Stars: Ken Takakura, Nana Kinomi, Bunta Sugawara, Eiji Gō, Kunie Tanaka, Asao Koike
Crew: Tetsuya Desaki (Director of Photography), Masuhiro Hirokami (Sound Recordist), Yasunojo Kawasaki (Lighting Technician), Teruo Ishii (Director), Teruo Ishii (Screenplay), Fumio Soda (Editor)