This unique film follows a group of 3 DJs Axwell, Steve Angello and Sebastian Ingrosso as Swedish House Mafia over the course of 2 years, 285 gigs and 15 countries. The film charts their journey from the point at which the Swedish House Mafia really starts to cause big waves to finishing their first hit single, ONE, under a ground breaking joint venture record deal with Virgin Records. There are appearences by Kylie Minogue, Pharell Williams, Tinie Tempah and Dirty South and the film was directed by Christian Larson.
Released: Oct 29, 2010
Runtime: 45 minutes
Genre: Documentary, Music
Stars: Axwell, Steve Angello, Sebastian Ingrosso
Crew: Christian Larson (Director), Christian Larson (Producer), Amy Thomson (Producer), Amy Thomson (Executive Producer), Jason Ellis (Executive Producer), Will Anderson (Executive Producer)