Tera Mera Tedha Medha (TMTM) is a quirky-topsy-turvy romantic comedy influenced by Planetary Disposition. It is a love story of two young struggling painters Rajan and Kamini, intertwined with the affect of two powerful planets Shani and Mangal. Hilarious events erupt when jilted lover, young and vivacious Swati enters Rajan's life. What would Shani-Mangal do next?
Released: Sep 11, 2015
Runtime: 107 minutes
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Rahul Bagga, Geetika Tyagi, Reema Worah, Rajesh Sharma, Sanjiv Chopra, Chittaranjan Tripathy
Crew: Chittaranjan Tripathy (Writer), Chittaranjan Tripathy (Director)