Fantasy Factory: Wastelands focuses on the story of sentient Android Kenna James. After being rescued by Dr. April O'Neil, who accidentally hit Kenna with her car, a quest begins to earn her right to consent. Trying to make sense of Kenna's unexplained humanity, April falls deeply in love with Kenna. But, not long after, Abigail Mac storms in to abduct Kenna into the custody of the Girlsway Corporation run by Cherie DeVille to be used in their now world famous Fantasy Factory.
Released: Oct 05, 2018
Runtime: 270 minutes
Genre: Science Fiction, Romance
Stars: Abigail Mac, Kenna James, April O'Neil, Cherie DeVille, Alexis Fawx, Georgia Jones
Crew: Stills by Alan (Still Photographer), Stills by Alan (Camera Operator), Matt Holder (Camera Operator), Curious Judas (Camera Operator), Stills by Alan (Director), Bree Mills (Producer)