Twenty-year-old Yoshiko (Setsuko Hara) and her younger sister Asako (Yōko Yaguchi) struggle to accept changes in their home during the preparations of their widowed father's wedding to his chosen bride, Maki Tsuneko (Sadako Sawamura), who's anxious about her conduct as the bride.
Released: Mar 20, 1940
Runtime: 71 minutes
Genre: Drama
Stars: Setsuko Hara, Yôko Yaguchi, Ko Mihashi, Sadako Sawamura, Tamae Kiyokawa, Yo Shiomi
Crew: Yasujirō Shimazu (Screenplay), Yasujirō Shimazu (Director), Zenju Imaizumi (Editor), Satoru Chûko (Settings), Soichi Yokoi (Lighting Technician), Jun Yasumoto (Director of Photography)