The story begins with the young girl Katya arranging a nanny for Maxim Dremov’s family - the general education of his nephew Ilya, who remained an orphan. Relations within the family do not work out - Maxim is unable to find a common language with his nephew, Maxim's wife. Problems arise in their common business. After another scandal at the dacha, Dremovy find the body of the killed Irina.
Released: Nov 17, 2008
Runtime: 1:47:31 minutes
Stars: Alexander Vasilevsky, Yuliya Zhigalina, Natalya Rudova, Nikita Salopin, Dmitriy Krasilya
Crew: Oleksandr Tkachenko (Producer), Irina Zarya (Producer), Viktor Kustov (Director), Elena Palomyaki (Writer), Yuriy Kuznetsov (Music)