Midori is a university student that finds part-time work at a hostess club, near the end of Japan's "Bubble Economy," in the late 80s. She agrees to become the mistress of one of the wealthy young patrons for two million yen a month, but then the bubble bursts...
Released: Mar 14, 1998
Runtime: 90 minutes
Genre: Drama
Stars: Noriko Tachikawa, Takeshi Masu, Noriko Hayami, Atsuki Katō, Miyuki Ono, Ichirō Ogura
Crew: Kazuhiro Miyoshi (Director of Photography), Kenji Ando (Original Music Composer), Seiichi Sakai (Editor), Shôko Ieda (Original Story), Rika Yamagami (Screenplay), Ryōji Shinmura (Director)