After a catastrophic tsunami in 2004, many lives were changed forever. This movie portrays a heart-warming story of two such families, and the story revolves around a 2-year-old child believed to be washed away by the floods. 10 years later, the Tamil family learns about a 12-year-old Sinhalese girl who can understand Tamil and remembers incidents from her previous life. Soon they recognize the girl by a birthmark on her face. The young girl now has to choose between her biological family and the family she grew up with.
Released: Jan 16, 2020
Runtime: 105 minutes
Genre: Drama, History, Thriller
Stars: Bimal Jayakody, Niranjani Shanmugaraja, Himali Sayurangi, Darshan Dharmaraj, Menara Weeratunga, Giriraj Kaushalya
Crew: Vishwa Balasooriya (Cinematography), Vidura Abeydeera (Makeup Artist), Rohana Weerasinghe (Music), Sunil Wijeratne (Art Direction), Maduranga Jagoda (Production Director), Methnuwan Wijesekara (Costume Design)