This comedy/theatre show is the sequel to 'Micha Wertheim: Somewhere Else'. This second show starts exactly where the first show ended: in the same theatrical scenery, with the same robot. But this time Wertheim surprises his audience by showing up. He tells about how the first experimental comedy show was received and contemplates about the magic of theatre and art in a society about the right to exist of art in a society that allows less and less doubt and confusion. When Robot falls into a depression, the boundaries between theater and reality begin to blur.
Released: Dec 09, 2017
Runtime: 95 minutes
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Micha Wertheim
Crew: Geert Vriend (Producer), Kathleen Warners (Producer), Menke Visser (Camera Operator), Thomas Kist (Camera Operator), Mat Wijn (Sound Effects), Bram den Haan (Sound)