Set in the 1960's, Joe Yabuki lives in a run-down low income area. There, alcoholic ex-boxer Danpei Tange notices Joe Yabuki's talents as a boxer. But then, Joe gets into trouble and is sentenced into the youth detention center. In the youth detention center, Joe gets into a brawl and then is knocked out by Toru Rikiishi who is a champion caliber professional boxer.
Released: Feb 11, 2011
Runtime: 131 minutes
Genre: Drama
Stars: Teruyuki Kagawa, Yûsuke Iseya, Tomohisa Yamashita, Katsuya, Moro Morooka, Naomi Nishida
Crew: Fumihiko Sori (Director), Ikki Kajiwara (Writer), Tetsuya Chiba (Writer), OHARA Mahito (Associate Producer)