Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2007 Fall Special" presents five tales. 1. Mirai Dousoukai - starring Ishihara Satomi. 2. Countdown - starring Abe Sadao. 3. Jihanki Otoko - starring Joshima Shigeru. 4. Gomi Onna - starring Matsushita Yuki. 5. 48% no Koi - starring Shiraishi Miho. Synopsis: A "trainee angel" named Natsumi works on Earth for an advertising company. In order for her to become a fully-fledged angel, Natsumi must facilitate the meeting of a man and a woman who are destined "by fate" to spend their lives together, and she has her sights on a man who works in the same building.
Released: Oct 02, 2007
Runtime: 144 minutes
Genre: Fantasy, TV Movie, Horror
Stars: Satomi Ishihara, Sadawo Abe, Shigeru Joshima, Yuki Matsushita, Sumie Sasaki, Miho Shiraishi
Crew: Yoshinori Muratani (Director), Brazily Anne Yamada (Writer), Yasushi Ueda (Director), Tsukuru Matsuki (Director), Hidenori Joho (Director), Kazuyuki Iwata (Director)